Clean room hoods with Hepa Filters and Activated Carbon Filters is to provide Air Purification in room. The efficiency of the clean room hoods to the user, make it a “must have” device in certain industries especially that need really clean working environment. The Laboratory, Pharmeceutical, Medical, Manufacturing, Sterile Assembly and Industrial facilities required clean room hoods to purified air in the rooms.
Clean room hoods offer particle-free work areas designed to increase productivity. Laminar air flow prevents the product or process from contaminants introduced by many sources such as equipment, personnel or from the product itself. Even though a laminar flow hood is not a substitute for good aseptic technique, it does help to ensure sterility when used properly.
In the market, clean room hoods may be divided into two basic types, base on the air stream; horizontal and vertical flow hoods. Both offer same degree of product protection via a constant flow of filtered air within the work area. Vertical flow hoods are recommended for applications where the process generates vapors, solvents, chemicals or other fine powders. In some cases where noxious fumes are being used, a vertical flow exhaust hood should be utilized. Clean room hoods may be floor or table top mounted depending on the available space.
In a horizontal type of clean room hoods, filtered air flows parallel to the work surface, toward the operators. As such, this type of flow hoods only provides product protection. Cell culture work, which falls into low risk categories (e.g, Medical Research Council Level A) may by conducted using a horizontal laminar flow hoods.
Beyond the low risk level a vertical flow safety cabinet is a necessity. The vertical clean room hoods are designed to provide the ideal particle-free, bacteria-free, clean-air environment required for laboratory work, testing, and manufacturing, inspection, or pharmacuetical procedures. It also gives protection for personnel, products and environment.
In vertical type of clean room hoods, filtered air flows from the top of the cabinet toward the work surface. The drawing in of room air at the front of the work surface decreases the possibility of harmful agents leaving the work area.
There are wide range of ductless laminar flow hoods, workstations and clean benches in the market, for creating a particle-free Class 100 (ISO 5) environment. Class 100 (US Fed Std 209E) products should be protected by HEPA filter.
What are HEPA filters? HEPA stand for High Efficiency Particulate Air. In the industries, all clean room hoods are equipped by HEPA filters 99.97% at 0.3 microns and pre-filter. HEPA filters are rated by the ability to retain particles of 0.3 microns in size and tested with Poly Alpha Olefin (PAO). It consists of a thin pleated sheet of boron silicate micro-fibers with aluminum separators. They are particulate filters that retain airborne particles and microorganisms (gases pass freely through). Filtration occurs by five distinct methods / primary mechanisms:
· Sedimentation
· Electrostatic attraction
· Interception
· Inertial impaction
· Diffusion
There are many manufacturers in the industry producing variety of clean room hoods. Some of them provide the service and designed the hoods with the end users comfort and durability. Just see your requirement, they will designed your clean room hoods either floor type, bench top, mounted or portable air purification devices.